Take a look at some of the things I have to offer that you might not find anywhere else! Some of these items are very difficult to locate! And a few things that don't get the advertising that they deserve. Have a question? Just ask.
Spring that activates the guard feature on the older style Blake & Lamb stoploss traps. This spring fits the old style, with the pan post and the wide guard wire. You won't find these anywhere else!
$1.10 each - plus shipping |
Spring that activates the guard feature on the Victor stoploss trap. This spring fits the style that has the wire dog that flips over the end of the trap and holds both jaws down.
$1.10 each - plus shipping
Cow Chain Choker
That is what I call them for the lack of a better discription! Bob Best designed these for use in quickly and easily hooking the trap chain to a railroad plate for a drag type anchor system. They can be used to couple extension chains as well. Simple, fast, and inexpensive! Check out the next picture for more uses! |
Frame stiffener and center chain locator!
I stumbled on to this playing in the shop one day! You can take this "cow chain choker" and weld to the frame on a 1-1/2 coil spring trap to add a center chain locator and it also stiffens the frame as well! Pretty slick. Price 3.75 / doz. - Plus Shipping
The "Trappers Bender"
Here is an item that I for one do not know how I ever got along without! If you do any snaring this tool will pay for its self many times over! You can make snare swivels, in-line snare swivels, whammys, and snare supports with it very easily! All you need is some wire and you're in business! I have been using it to make swivels right on the spring eye of my 110 size body grip traps and using cable to replace the chains! Neat item and very very handy to have in the shop! Price 24.95 - Plus shipping |
Coil Spring Replacement Tool
I got tired of doing this the hard way and knocking all the skin off my knuckles with pliers and such. So I developed this little tool to avoid all the hassle of installing new coil springs on my taps. Price: 3.50 (Shipping extra)
Double Stake Ring
Mr. Bob Best makes this double stake ring, designed so you can use two 1/2" re bar stakes to anchor your trap. Or if ground conditions are right you can go with a single re bar stake also. Using only one stake, it will give you swiveling action at the stake head. Price: 12.00 / dozen (Shipping extra) |
Heavy Duty Sifter
Here is a "HEAVY DUTY" sifter that should last a lifetime! Measures 8x9 inches and is 2-1/2" deep. Made from heavy gauge steel and all welded construction. Ready to paint, dye, or dip. I have one available with a slide bottom in it! Makes it really nice for placing the dirt out of the trap bed into or carrying dirt from a remote location to the set. Plain, with no bottom - 10.00 each / plus shipping With a slide bottom - 15.00 each / plus shipping

Beaver Spin Table
This table is designed to very rugged yet totally adjustable for different working heights. Made to accept boards in the 32 x 48 inch size but works as well on a larger one. The design of this table allows you to stand in one location and give it a spin when tacking out beavers, no more chasing the board around a normal table! It also allows you to make better use of your boards and get a hide on each side of the board. Loosen a couple thumb screws and pull 4 bolts and it breaks down and folds nicely for storage or transporting taking less space. Updated design for 2010. Now has four legs and made of square tubing! Price: 75.00 / plus shipping |