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Razors Edge Knife sharpening system.

The best and most simple way of keeping a razor sharp edge on your knife.  I've tried most everything and this does the best job for me. 

Complete kit - 2 wheels, extra grit, wax, and rogue, ready to bolt to your grinder motor.

$38.00 per kit - (Shipping not included) 


The "Gripper"

This tool is what I refer to as a third hand. It can be mounted to the table top or a hole can be drilled allowing the stud to set in the hole and remove the tool for cleaning or storing purposes. It also can be hung from above. Clamp a foot, tail, or whatever to allow you to use both hands during the skinning process. Great for the opening cut.


$25.00 plus shipping

The Trap Tweezer

This tool can be used to set the Duke, Lil Griz, Trapmaster, and The Coon Dagger.  Set these dog proof traps eaisly with the aid of this tool.  Zinc plated for a lifetimes use.  

$ 15.00 plus shipping 
